Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cowboy Glyph and Cowgirl Glyph

Who's ready for some cowboy glyph and cowgirl glyph fun? I am. We've been working through our Scott Foresman 2nd Grade Reading Street textbook and have made it to the Cowboys reading selection. My mind started working, and I knew that I needed to create a cowboy glyph. I made this cowboy and cowgirl ready for the students to write too. 

Cowboy Glyph and Cowgirl Glyph Craftivity
Click HERE to visit my TpT store and add a Cowboy and Cowgirl Glyph to your lesson about cowboys. This glyph and craftivity includes a writing prompt that's part of each cowboy or cowgirl glyph. In addition to the glyph questions about cowboys and cowgirls, this packet include four graphs to graph your results if you choose. This is a great way to integrate art, social studies, writing, and math!

This packet includes teaching tips, glyph questions with a student example, patterns to print on card stock paper or you can use the individual student patterns for coloring like you see on the cover of this packet. You will also get two writing prompts using three different writing levels for differentiated instruction. You also get four graphs if you decide to work with graphing and would like to graph the data from the glyphs.

Robin @ Little Blogfish

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