Free NeilMed Sinus Rinse Neti Pot Facebook Offer
Image for NeilMed's Facebook Post |
Then you can either click on the Free Neti Pot link on the left of the page or the link in the post on their wall. This offer is only for individuals who "like" them for the first time.
They had a similar offer a while back and I got my Neti Pot in the mail in no time (I had to complete a survey and enter a mailing address, so I'm guessing the same process is in place.). I have a hard time taking allergy meds, so I tried this out of desperation one year (I wasn't too big on running a saline solution in one side of my nose and out the other). It really helped, but you've got to get used to using it.
I'm a homeschooling mom and just blogging about kiddos, homeschool, and baby or kiddo deals, but this is a good solution for kids too. They have a version for kids, but I just use the Neti Pot Nasaflo Pot from the offer with half the amount of water and solution on my child. I use the Sinus Rinse Neti Pot. We went an entire year and the only doctor appointments were for the yearly physicals. (We homeschool, so there isn't as much exposure to germs too, but we do use the Neti Pot at the first sign of the sniffles.)
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